We bring the body of Christ and people together in unity to serve the Lord. Meeting together to praise, pray, and preach the gospel. Allowing the Holy Spirit freedom to move in all the gifts of the Spirit. Reaching the lost and believing for the harvest of souls. Praying for the strategy, timing and leading of the Holy Spirit. That all people can experience Gods love and freedom

Our mission is to facilitate revival and community events that will reach all people. We host community events through worship and spirit led ministry. Bringing all churches and people together in one purpose. We activate those who come together to be whole and commissioned!

Our Beliefs:

The Gathering Ministries World Outreach  is a place to worship in Gods presence. We believe in the power of prayer. We believe in signs, wonders, and miracles birthed through prayer and worship,  grounded in relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission is to activate the body of Christ and Commission them to the Community to do the work of the Lord.  To offer fellowship and a Christ driven purpose for life.  The Bible is the inspired word of God and our life manual.

We invite all who are sick or in need to come for prayer. We invite all who simply want to soak in the presence of God to Worship. We invite all who are in need to come for connection and prayer. We invite all to come and receive Christ as their Lord and Savior.

We believe there is only one true God, Jesus Christ who is the Son of God and that He died for our sins, completing the work on the cross with resurrection power, and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Invites us to come to Him for salvation and the redemption of sin. We believe water baptism is a commandment of the Bible as an outward expression of our inward decision to follow Christ. We believe in the baptism and fire of the Holy Spirit and all the workings of the gifts of the spirit.

Join us for worship word & Ministry